

We are delighted to welcome Meg to our team but sadly say goodbye to Cari after 9 years..

Meg Roberts has joined our team. She has been working as an Osteopath in Bridgend and Llanelli for the past year, but has decided to work closer to home and we are delighted that she decided to join us at the Cathedral Road Clinic. Megan treats a wide range of problems but has a particular interest in helping patients with shoulder injuries. She has a background in dance and knows alot about helping patients get mobile again.

We are sadly saying goodbye to Cari after 9 years.  Not only do we congratulate  Cari on her recent marriage to Adam but also for deciding to embark on a new career path.  Cari is sad to be leaving you all and wanted to let you know she truly values the trust and confidence you have placed in her over the years:


After thorough consideration and heartfelt contemplation, I have decided to embark on a new chapter in my career. At the end of September, I will be transitioning to a new professional path. Whilst it is a bittersweet moment for me, as I have had the privilege of serving your healthcare needs, it is also an exciting progression towards new opportunities. This decision has certainly not been an easy one, but it is essential for my personal and professional development.

I truly value the trust and confidence you have placed in me over the past 9 years as an osteopath, and I am grateful for the experiences we have shared. The relationships I have built at the clinic are invaluable to me and I will miss many of you very much.

Please be assured that the clinic is now full of highly competent and experienced osteopaths to take over your care. I am confident that they will provide you with the same level of exceptional care that you have come to expect. You will be in excellent hands, and I highly recommend continuing your treatments under their guidance.

My last day at the clinic will be Friday 15th September. If you have any questions or concerns during this transition, please do not hesitate to reach out to me. I will remain available to address any concerns that may arise.

I genuinely appreciate your understanding and thank you for your support throughout our time together. It has been a privilege to be part of your healthcare journey.

Wishing you continued health and happiness,

Cari 😊



After 20 yrs of practice at the CRC, I’m taking a mini sabbatical ( equivalent to a school holiday!). My fantastic colleagues Gabe, Lauren, Arwel, Meg & Cari will be looking after my patients whilst I’m away.  This time gives me the chance not only to take a holiday but to challenge myself and fundraise for a cause that has affected my family for the last few years:



Hi I’m cycling in memory of Noelle who lost her fight against Alzheimer’s in 2022 and in support of Hugh whose battle against Alzheimer’s continues.

This 450+ mile cycle takes me on a journey through Wales , Ireland and England. From Wales, through Ireland where they lived worked and studied and finishing in England where their grandchildren and great grandchildren are.

Alzheimer’s Society is transforming the landscape of dementia forever.

Until the day we find a cure, we will create a society where those affected by dementia are supported and accepted, able to live in their community without fear or prejudice.

Let’s hope for some September Sunshine ! 🤞🌄🚴‍♂️



Functional movement in everyday life

Title: Functional Movements in Everyday Life: Enhancing Your Physical Abilities

Exercise doesn’t have to be a chore .  Time is precious and finding time for exercise can be an additional stress in life. So exercising when you are going about your daily activity can  help you develop achievable routines. From bending and lifting to reaching and twisting, these movements involve multiple muscle groups working together to accomplish various tasks. In this post, we will explore the importance of functional movements in everyday life and how incorporating them into your routine can enhance your physical abilities and overall well-being.

  1. Squatting: Squatting is a fundamental functional movement that mimics actions like sitting down and standing up. It engages the muscles of the lower body, including the quadriceps, glutes, and hamstrings. Incorporate squats into your routine by squatting to pick up objects from the floor, gardening, or performing bodyweight squats when boiling a kettle or cleaning your teeth. This movement improves leg strength, joint mobility, and overall stability.
  2. Lifting and Carrying: Lifting and carrying objects are everyday tasks that involve various muscle groups. Whether it’s lifting shopping, a suitcase, or a child, proper form is crucial to prevent injury. Engage your leg and core muscles, maintain a neutral spine, and use your leg strength to lift rather than relying solely on your back. Practicing proper lifting techniques enhances overall strength and reduces the risk of strain.
  3. Pushing and Pulling: Pushing and pulling motions are integral to many activities in our daily lives. Pushing a shopping trolley, opening a door, or pulling a heavy suitcase require coordinated effort from the upper body muscles, including the chest, shoulders, and back.
  4. Reaching and Twisting: Reaching and twisting movements are involved in tasks such as grabbing something from a high shelf or rotating your body to look behind you. These movements engage the muscles of the shoulders, core, and hips.
  5. Walking and Running: Walking and running are natural movements that form the basis of human movement. They engage multiple muscle groups, including the legs, glutes, and core, while promoting cardiovascular fitness. Incorporate brisk walking or jogging into your daily routine to improve endurance, strengthen leg muscles, and enhance overall functional fitness.
  6. Balancing: Maintaining balance is vital for everyday activities and preventing falls. Simple activities like standing on one leg, practicing yoga, strengthen the muscles responsible for balance.  You can do theses balance exercises when cleaning your teeth, or waiting for the kettle to boil. Incorporating balance exercises into your routine helps improve stability, coordination, and confidence in performing daily tasks.



Gardening in the hot weather: Tackling Back Pain for a thriving garden.

Gardening in hot weather can be both rewarding and physically demanding. By implementing these strategies, you can prevent and manage back pain, ensuring a pleasant gardening experience. Remember to stay hydrated, use proper body mechanics, and incorporate warm-up and cool-down exercises. With these precautions, your garden will flourish, and your back will thank you. Happy gardening!


  1. Stay Hydrated and Take Breaks (As the sun beats down, it’s crucial to prioritise hydration. Keep a water bottle nearby and take regular breaks in shaded areas to prevent heat-related issues and muscle fatigue. Use these breaks to stretch your muscles gently, promoting flexibility and preventing stiffness. Additionally, listen to your body’s cues and don’t overexert yourself. Dividing your gardening tasks into manageable portions with rest intervals will reduce the strain on your back and ensure a safe and enjoyable gardening experience.
  2. Use Proper Body Mechanics: Maintaining proper body mechanics is key to preventing back pain. When lifting heavy pots or bags of soil, remember to bend your knees and use the strength of your legs rather than relying solely on your back. Avoid twisting your torso while lifting or pulling objects, as this can strain your back muscles. Instead, pivot with your feet, keeping your back straight and aligned. Investing in ergonomic gardening tools, such as long-handled tools or knee pads, can also alleviate strain and help you maintain a neutral spine posture.
  3. Warm-Up and Cool-Down Exercises: Before immersing yourself in gardening tasks, it’s essential to warm up your muscles. Perform gentle stretching exercises that focus on your lower back, hips, and legs. These movements will increase blood flow, flexibility, and prepare your body for physical activity. After completing your gardening session, cool down by repeating the same stretching exercises to help prevent muscle soreness. Incorporating regular aerobic exercises into your routine, such as walking or swimming, can also strengthen your back and core muscles, providing additional support during gardening activities.




 The Complex Connection Between Anxiety and Pain

Anxiety, a common mental health condition, affects millions of people worldwide. While it is primarily recognized for its impact on mental well-being, anxiety also has an intriguing relationship with physical pain. In this blog post, we delve into the complex connection between anxiety and pain, shedding light on the importance of recognizing and addressing this association.

The Mind-Body Connection: Anxiety and pain are intricately linked through the mind-body connection. When we experience anxiety, our body’s stress response is activated, releasing hormones like cortisol and adrenaline. These stress hormones can heighten our sensitivity to pain, making existing pain more intense or even triggering new pain sensations. Moreover, anxiety-induced muscle tension and heightened neural activity can lead to headaches, back pain, and muscle aches.

Chronic Pain and Anxiety: Research suggests that anxiety disorders and chronic pain often go hand in hand. The chronic pain experienced by individuals with conditions such as fibromyalgia, migraines, or irritable bowel syndrome can be exacerbated by anxiety. Conversely, living with constant pain can also trigger anxiety symptoms, creating a distressing cycle that negatively impacts overall well-being.

Addressing the Link: Recognising and addressing the connection between anxiety and pain is crucial for effective treatment and improved quality of life. Integrated approaches that combine mental health interventions, such as therapy and relaxation techniques, with pain management strategies can provide relief for individuals dealing with both anxiety and chronic pain. Medication, mindfulness exercises, and lifestyle changes like regular exercise, healthy eating, and adequate sleep can also play vital roles in managing symptoms.

Conclusion: Understanding the complex relationship between anxiety and pain is essential for comprehensive healthcare.  Osteopaths acknowledge  the mind-body connection and implementing holistic approaches, we can provide individuals with the support they need to address anxiety and pain together. Remember, seeking professional help and building a strong support network are key steps towards managing these intertwined challenges and enhancing overall well-being.



We wish Helen Ward all the best in her new job. Helen has been been with us since 2018 and has been the friendly face greeting patients and managing their bookings on the front desk.  Thank you Helen for all the joy (and cakes!)  you brought to the clinic. We are looking forward to being joined by Sally Davies to take over from Helen in May. In the meantime Iona will be there to help you with your bookings and appointments.